Audio and video equipment control system

The Smart Home complex is the ability to control all streaming audio and video signals. The distribution of channels to different points (televisions, screens, speakers), automatic or manual sound control, the creation of scenarios for certain events is a small part of the possibility of automated control systems.
  • Management.
    Setting up and changing the current equipment parameters via remote controls, central panels, remote connection of smartphones, computers, tablets.
  • Signal distribution.
    With the help of special equipment, it is possible to split one signal (audio, video) for several users.
  • Automation.
    Programming of system actions for certain events – time of day, date, start of a television program.
  • Quality improvement.
    Pre-processing of video in a Smart home will allow you to maximize the quality of the resulting image.
  • Changing operating modes.
    Setting global parameters for the scenarios "Cinema", "Party", "Concert".
  • Improvements and extensions.
    The principle of creating a "Smart Home" implies the possibility of adding new devices and functions for audio, video and other system options.
Example of a completed project

First, the functionality of the "Smart Home" is determined – audio and video capabilities, necessary system options. This is the basis for drafting. The technical documentation indicates the types of equipment, their placement schemes, and communication methods. All stages are coordinated with the customer, including a possible design project of the premises.

Stages of management of audio and video systems of "Smart home":

  1. Primary distribution of signals from various sources – cable, antenna, satellite, Internet. They are transmitted to playback devices.
  2. Playback settings. Programming of several scenarios – for sound, video.
  3. Management. Through a common unit (centralized system) or with the help of separate touch screens, remote controls (decentralized scheme), the user changes the current parameters. Additional connection of iOS and Android gadgets for control and playback.
  4. Preparation of audio track, video image. Special modules analyze the quality of signals and improve its parameters.

The advantage of this approach is the ability to quickly change the current settings, adapt the system to the functions of a "Home theater", uniform or zonal sound distribution. It is important to draw up the project documentation correctly, choose models for the configuration.

Control system equipment
Which home automation system to give preference to depends on the tasks set, the scale and complexity of the project, financial and time frames.
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